Thursday, December 10, 2015

Movie Monster 'Victor Frankenstein'

Only two efforts came from Daniel Radcliffe and actor James McAvoy is not enough to create new perspectives, appealing to the classic novel "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley writer.

Movie Monster 'Victor Frankenstein'
Victor Frankenstein is the latest film inspired by the classic novel by Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Films with the participation of James McAvoy and Daniel Radcliffe.
Victor Frankenstein opened with the storytelling of a guy who specializes hunchback clown in a circus act (Daniel Radcliffe). He did not have a real name, only called "hunchback", must make public role and colleagues were tortured, abused, belittled.
However, he stooped have two great passions: the study of anatomy that can be applied in medicine, and watching muse Lorelei (Jessica Brown Findlay) - actress beautiful acrobatic circus, performing row right.
During a concert in London, Lorelei serious accident. Thanks to the medical knowledge available, he stooped at her from critical condition. The fact that he was scientist Victor Frankenstein mystery (James McAvoy) to eye. Victor decided to liberate man from the circus hunchback, recruited him as his assistant and put the name is Igor. Since then, Victor and Igor began construction work ambitious: create life from death.
Preamble of Victor Frankenstein was quite attractive. However, as time goes on, more and more films bring many surprises for the audience.
Preamble of Victor Frankenstein was quite attractive. However, as time goes on, more and more films bring many surprises for the audience.
Victor Frankenstein is the latest film inspired by the classic literary works of women writers Mary Shelley. So far, mentioning the phrase Frankenstein, people often remember the monster image was created from parts of the patchwork that we forget the origin of the name. That was the biological father of the monster: scientist Victor Frankenstein. This time, director Paul McGuigan decided to tell the story classics from the perspective of Igor, focus more on themselves Victor Frankenstein and his partner. They are talented people but eccentric, bringing ambitious use science to challenge the power of God.
The film opening new attractive and life stories by Igor. This was an extra character quite dim in the works related to Frankenstein in the past. From an ugly clown, full of guilt, but because property talented anatomical and fateful meeting with Victor Frankenstein, he was freed from the old life, molting become new people. This is the premise of helping the audience grasp the nature of the relationship between Igor and Victor. That's not all relationships - I'm normally. With Igor, Victor Frankenstein is not the boss, but the benefactor gave him a new identity, recognizing his talents and help him realize life goals.
Living frugally Igor childhood in the circus but not long but very detailed. Audiences easily identify with the poor clown, lifelong right as plate bending humpback cruel and despised by others. But inside the human misery which is a warm heart, eager to learn, do not yield to the cruel fate. That ultimately helps him get rewarded. The success of the preamble should mention the impressive performance of the actor Daniel Radcliffe. Amateur clowns immersive compelling, from appearance to performance features, make the audience enjoy sympathy and transformed itself into a new man.
Then, Victor Frankenstein begins to focus on the process of Igor and Victor research ambitious projects. At this point, the film begins showing signs of going down, the details are not new, easy to guess, the same tempo is somewhat lengthy. The audience easily guess the next event, the actions of the characters are not making the necessary element of surprise.
Several new characters are brought online to introduce to promote the story: the love story of Igor and Lorelei, the investigation of Inspector Turpin (Andrew Scott). However, the character line that is not adequately developed. Set next to the relationship between Igor and Victor, her acrobatic Lorelei not make the weight, giving the feeling is somewhat superfluous. But personal stories of Inspector Turpin again tedious and completely may be dismissed from the film without causing prejudice.
The action elements, horror film was not well. Except experimental period at the university have created a little dramatic, Victor Frankenstein hardly any remarkable climax. Film School end, when the monster is created, place simple and quick, no breakthrough compared with other works of the same genre.
Rare highlight of the film is the acting of the two leads. James McAvoy successfully express the role of Victor Frankenstein - an eccentric scientist, ambition, madness pursue the ideal of human life itself despite criticism or doubt compliment. He also shows very good scenes require complex psychological expression, though occasionally somewhat exaggerated.
Daniel Radcliffe continues to fully immersive full Igor, though not as dramatic as the film early. The relationship between two people is developed and maintained quite reasonable throughout the film. Everyone has ideals, different worldview about the work being pursued, leading to conflicts. But ultimately, they together to understand and overcome challenges. Unfortunately, the change in the mindset of the characters happens so quickly and still unconvincing.
Recalling the old story with a new perspective, but Victor Frankenstein has not succeeded in presenting classic works by less creative part storyline and lack of depth. However, there still is a movie worth seeing for those who are fans of "boy wizard" Daniel Radcliffe and "Professor X" James McAvoy.

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